14 January 2015

In December Nick Riddiford of FIMETI visited the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) to explore means of bringing SAMS into the Fair Isle MPA research programme.

Nick was shown round the magnificent modern facilities at SAMS by Dr Lois Calder, Head of Education. Ruth Little, Associate Director on behalf of Cape Farewell – strong advocates on our behalf – was also party to the discussion which focused particularly on the socio-economic, cultural and community values derived from the marine environment.

Dr Calder indicated that SAMS had identified as central to the Association’s forward thinking the community aspects of the marine environment and its sustainable management.

SAMS plays a prominent part in Scottish marine research and conservation and would be a major asset to the research group FIMETI is striving to establish for its MPA programme.

It was agreed by all three participants that avenues of funding would be sought to establish a research partnership between the Fair Isle community and SAMS.

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