Oysterplant, Mertensia maritima
Muckle Uri Geo consists of bedrock sheltering an extensive shingle beach and large tidal pool and is notable for the nationally rare Oysterplant growing on its shingle beach, breeding Ringed Plovers, seabirds and occasional cetaceans offshore.
Also look out for Toothed Top Shell, Common Periwinkle, Rough Periwinkle, Flat Periwinkle, Dog Whelk, Common Mussel, Common Limpet, Common Shore Crab, Beadlet Anemone, Butterfish, sticklebacks, chitons, shrimps and sea urchins. Seaweeds - Enteromorpha intestinalis, Knotted Wrack, Serrated Wrack and Spiral Wrack. Note lichens on the splash zone. Spear-leaved Orache Atriplex prostrata is also present, its northernmost post in UK.